Monday, November 3, 2014



  1. Applications of you AUV in Monitoring in the following fields:

    Civil engineering sites, Waterways and shipping, Oil and gas pipeline, Forestry, Fishery Protection, The countryside, Pollution Control and Air Sampling, Crop Performance, Litter on beaches and in parks

  2. And also UAV is ised for Disaster Management, such as
    Disaster effects management, Rescue and clear up effort supervision, and Disaster damage estimation

  3. Geobeyond provide UAV services for capturing aerial photo for plantation mapping and monitoring oil palm crop health. The same photo we provided, we also extracting other information as follows:1-total palm tree in the plantation, 2- evaluation road condition, 3- GPS coordinate for every palm tree, 4-Building GIS database for your plantation for efficient management, 5) building tracking system for monitoring workers and vehicles in plantation, and finally 6) sawit-watch system for collection monitoring diseases on every palm such as ganoderma etc.

    N.B. we have done several projects in Malaysia.


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The mission of the Remote sensing Club is to be a centre for gathering information in remote sensing, GIS and GPS research and applications towards knowledge advancement and discovery of knowledge towards the creation of wealth
